Course: Degree in Animation
Category: Part Time Top Up Degrees
Colaiste Dhulaigh College of Further Education is offering a one year top-up degree programme in Animation (BA Hons) in conjunction with the University of Wolverhampton (UK).  Accredited by the University of Wolverhampton, the course has been developed by the coordinator and tutors to be relevant to our students, the growing national animation industry, and its impact at home and abroad.  The course is taught by industry professionals with further visiting further visiting industry guest lectures and workshops during the year

Structure of the Course
12 hours of lectures minimum per week, delivered over three evenings. Access and facilities outside of those hours are provided to students to carry out project work in a dedicated studio. The programme is delivered in the evening as part of the night school. The year is short, consisting of two 12 week semesters. The course is intense and self -directed; full commitment and attendance from participants is crucial to achieve the standard. This programme is offered as part of our evening and day-time self-financing education provision. Learners undertaking the programme will not qualify for a grant but they will qualify for other social welfare allowances.  The cost of the programme will be 3,500 Euro
Tutor: TBA TBA
Fee: €3500
Duration: 12 weeks
Start Date: 2018-09-01
Start/End Time: 09:00AM - 16:00PM
Day: 3 x Evenings