Special Needs Assisting QQI Level 5 TUESDAYS

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Are you applying from Northern Ireland?

Date of Birth *

I confirm that all the information I provided is correct. *
I have read and fully understand and agree with Galway Community College's Terms & Conditions *
I wish to be informed about future, relevant courses or events run by Galway Community College or its partner colleges. (Please note, you may withdraw consent at any time).

Data Protection Statement

Galway Community College (and GRETB) abide by the terms of the Data Protection Acts. As Data Controllers, we will collect, process and retain your personal data fairly and securely. Your data will be used for administration purposes related to your course and to let you know about future courses of interest. In limited cases, it may be necessary to share your data, for instance, with the relevant awarding body if you are pursuing a certified course or with your chosen funding agency if you are being funded to study with us. Full details are available in GRETB's Privacy Notice.