Course: Spanish Beginners I
Category: Languages
Description: This ten-week course covers the first half of Spanish A1 Level according to the CEFR (Common European Framework Reference). This course is an introductory course for absolute beginners or for those who have had little experience in using the Spanish language, and as such will establish a basic foundation in conversational Spanish. This course provides students with the opportunity to grasp the vital basics of the language grammar and vocabulary to put these new skills to use in a practical and effective way. You will learn how to introduce yourself and others (family) and can ask and answer questions about your, profession, hobbies, character, nationality, age and things you like or don##t like. It also includes developing reading, writing, speaking skills, listening, grammar and pronunciation.
Tutor: TBA TBA
Fee: €150
Duration: 10 weeks
Start Date: 2025-02-05
Start/End Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Day: Wednesday Evening